Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And the new addition!

Along with this new blog there is a new addition to the family. Her name is Emma Rose. She was born on January 28, 2011 at 1:45pm. Emma weighed in at 6lbs7oz and I delivered her. Yes, you heard correctly. I delivered her, suctioned her mouth and nose and then held her while my son cut the umbilical cord. A once in a lifetime experience.
This blog will talk about child development in general. Specifically toys I recommend for all children (those that work for children with less skill or who need to learn a skill), recommendations on how to prevent some of the ramifications of infants sleeping on their backs and spending lots of time in all of the equipment that we buy for them, treatment of conditions now more common to infants that can be done by parents at home and some general parenting tips.
I also hope to wade into the subject of blended families, separated families, half siblings and other sometimes painful situations where children must remain our focus. This is a somewhat painful topic for me and I hope that blogging will help me work through my own feelings and direct my actions for a better life for my grandchildren. In this I am learning from my son and his significant other(s) a strong and powerful lesson.
I hope you will continue to join me in this journey of grandparenting and parenting. My hope is to make the road smoother and the obstacles more easily navigated through honest communication and recommendations from those who might have been there before us.

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